Lutheran Carnival

A weekly/bi-weekly roundup of the best posts in the confessional Lutheran blogosphere, as submitted by the authors.

Mittwoch, September 28, 2005

Next Few Carnivals and a few more rules...

Since the carnival has changed from a weekly to a bi-monthly carnival after I nearly had to kill it, the schedule must be updated to let everybody know who is doing what when.

Lutheran Carnival VIII-Full Throttle & an Empty Gas Tank, October 9.

Lutheran Carnival IX-Be Strong in the Grace, October 23.

Lutheran Carnival X-Lutheran Carnival, November 6.

From now on, there are to be no suggested topics, period. Topics have driven down the number of posts on the carnival, and we're trying to build this thing up, not make me have to kill it because of lack of participation. You are more than welcome to submit posts early if you are going out of town. If you submit late, from now on it will be held over until the next carnival. I thought I had made that clear before, but maybe not. I will kill the carnival if there are not 20 posts in the mailbox by the announced time and date due. On the other hand, the one link per person rule will be relaxed and you will be allowed two links since this will be every two weeks.

That being said, posts are due for Carnival VIII by Friday, October 7 by 7PM CDT (0000 UTC or GMT on Saturday October 8 for those outside the US and for the hams). I'll remind you all again next week.

Lutheran Carnival VII

Freitag, September 23, 2005

Lack of Posts

This is going to be simple. There are four submissions to the carnival as of now. If Brian doesn't get at least ten, I'm shutting the carnival down for good. I'm not going to waste my time and I'm not going to waste the hosts time in putting together a carnival no one wants to participate in. It's that simple. If you have a link you wish to submit send it using the proper format to lutherancarnival AT gmail DOT com. You have until 7pm CDT to get them in. If Brian doesn't have 10 by then, I'm telling him not to bother.

Lutheran Carnival VII Submissions

Brian at Nonpareil is hosting this week! Go here for more information and instructions!

This is a great opportunity to share your writing with others who may not otherwise read your blog!

Thanks Brian!

Dienstag, September 20, 2005

Lutheran Carnival Schedule

We here at the Lutheran Carnival have some more hosts to announce. As always, if you would like to host, please email me at daniel DOT sellers AT gmail DOT com.

The current schedule:

VII: Brian at Nonpareil
VIII: Disgruntled World Citizen (Loofrin) at Full Throttle & an Empty Gas Tank
XI: Theresa at Be Strong in the Grace (tenative)
X: Elle and I here.

There you go. If you want to do a Carnival from XI on, you are more than welcome. Lutheran Carnival XIV (Reformation and All Saints Carnival) is tenatively scheduled. Yes, someone already called dibs.

Montag, September 19, 2005

Lutheran Carnival VI

Lutheran Carnival VI is now up. We are taking submissions for Lutheran Carnival VII, which will be hosted by yours truly. The number of submissions have been a little down recently, probably because I haven't been constantly harping on everyone, so think about sending a post in. There are no topics to limit you, so send in whatever you feel like. Just get it in before I get home on Friday Evening (~7 PM CDT).

Mittwoch, September 14, 2005

Now taking posts for Lutheran Carnival VI

We are now taking posts for Lutheran Carnival VI, hosted by Chaz. If you want to join this merry carnival, send your link (or a freind's link) to lutherancarnival AT gmail DOT com. Chaz wants the posts by Saturday at Noon CDT.

Montag, September 12, 2005

Carnival Hosts

If you have thought about hosting the carnival, but have not emailed either Elle and I, please do. We currently have no one to host after Lutheran Carnival VI. It is an interesting experience. You get to read all the submissions beforehand (and reading the submissions takes up most of the time). If you are interested, email me at daniel dot sellers at gmail dot com.

Sonntag, September 11, 2005

Lutheran Carnival V

Lutheran Carnival V is now up at Necessary Roughness. Thanks for hosting Dan!

Montag, September 05, 2005

Lutheran Carnival V Submissions

Dan at Necessary Roughness will be hosting the next Lutheran Carnival, and is gladly accepting third-party entries! Send your entries to lutherancarnival AT gmail DOT com. Make sure you submit your posts properly, even if you are submitting for a third party.

Thanks, Dan!

If anyone is interested in hosting the carnival, please email Daniel at Daniel DOT Sellers AT gmail DOT com.

Sonntag, September 04, 2005

Lutheran Carnival IV

Donnerstag, September 01, 2005

Lutheran Carnival IV Submissions

Lutheran Carnival IV is accepting submissions!